What's On
These pages provide information on our services and other activities. All are welcome to join us, whether this is for our regular Sunday Service or to pop in for a cup of coffee on a Friday morning.
Dates and times of these activities are detailed within our Calendar, but please note that dates and times may be subject to change. If you wish to join us on any event, please telephone the number shown on the activity to check the details, or email us.
Sunday Morning Worship
10.30am every Sunday. A service with a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship.
On the first Sunday of every month we include Communion within our usual service .
All services are followed by coffee and conversation in the church hall.
Bible Study
We meet weekly for Bible study and prayer, finishing by 9.30pm.
For more information, telephone Jim on 07889 758285.
Men’s Ministry
The men’s breakfast is a great opportunity for men of all ages to not only enjoy a delicious cooked breakfast, but to discuss topics of the day that are both relevant and timely. The morning begins with a warm welcome and a tea/coffee before sitting down for a cooked breakfast. There is then a short talk on a particular theme followed by a question and answer session.
We meet on the second Saturday of the month starting at 9am
Please contact Paul Tingey on 07494 757114 for further details.
A service with a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship. Families are most welcome.
We meet together in the Church hall at TBC to study the bible and have a time of prayer.
Please email jford15@aol.com if you wish to join us, or would like more information.
All welcome.
Every Friday the church is open for tea, coffee and other refreshments from 10 to 11:30. Please feel free to drop in. We’d love to see you.
A service with a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship. Families are most welcome.
We meet together in the Church hall at TBC to study the bible and have a time of prayer.
Please email jford15@aol.com if you wish to join us, or would like more information.
All welcome.
Every Friday the church is open for tea, coffee and other refreshments from 10 to 11:30. Please feel free to drop in. We’d love to see you.
If you have been bereaved through the loss of someone close, and would like to meet others who have had similar experiences, please come and join us for coffee and cake between 10.00am and 12.00 on the last Saturday of each month, in the church hall of Thaxted Baptist Church. For more information contact Debbie on 07814320248 (please leave a message or text me if no response to your call) or email coffeeandcompany006@gmail.com.
A service with a mixture of contemporary and traditional worship. Families are most welcome.
We meet together in the Church hall at TBC to study the bible and have a time of prayer.
Please email jford15@aol.com if you wish to join us, or would like more information.
All welcome.