They say that “life is what you make it”. Yet not everyone can fix their lives and certainly not all of the time. Life throws curveballs. It puts us flat on our face without a warning. It doesn’t always add up. How do we make sense of it all?
This page is a monthly reflection on life that attempts to make sense of it.
September Reflection
“Do not be anxious about anything”
The above title is a quotation from the apostle Paul in one of his New Testament letters. It is a quote that always challenges me because it is all too easy for me to get anxious and often about the most silly things. A friend of my mother’s once said, “I worry when I don’t worry”. In other words even when all is calm she was wondering where the next storm was coming from.
Anxiety is one of the biggest curses of our modern age and it is particularly common in young people. According to a Mental Health Foundation survey in 2021 across all age ranges, 28% of those who suffer anxiety were in the 16-29 age range. Even younger children are now suffering from anxiety and depression. An investigation by the Guardian last month found that in 2023-24 over 200,000 children were referred to mental health services for anxiety disorders. Various reasons have been suggested for this including increasing cost of living crisis, climate change and wars. Children witness so much more now via television and other mediums about these subjects. Bodily self esteem also plays a part with many children feeling body shame because they can’t match up to the perfect images they see on social media. Other voices say that children today are growing up too fast and being exposed to facts that they are not fit to handle. Of course all this anxiety then hits the parents who often struggle to know how to help their children at times like this.
The bible has a lot to say about anxiety. Our quote at the top goes on to say, “but by prayer and petition make your requests known to God and the peace of God will guard your minds and your hearts in Christ”. Jesus himself said, “Do not worry about what you will eat or drink or wear, for your Father in Heaven knows you need these things”. The bible doesn’t promise freedom from anxiety inspired situations, but what it does promise is a loving God who is ready to share our burdens. Jesus again said, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden——“. Jesus stands ready to share our burdens. To carry the load with us and to give us peace. Prayer is the channel to that peace. In prayer we can surrender our burdens to God and know we are not alone. The apostle Peter in his letter wrote simply, “Cast your anxieties on God for he cares for you”.
Why carry the burden on your own? Lift it to God in prayer and let him carry it instead .
Every Sunday we have a service at 10:30am. Services tend to include the following:
- We sing together a variety of contemporary and traditional hymns.
- We have times of prayer.
- We have readings from the Bible.
- We hear a message linked to the Bible reading(s).
- Sometimes we have opportunities for people to share experiences.
- Every month we share Communion.
Previous Reflections
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April Reflection
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March Reflection
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