About Us
We aim to be a warm and loving church with a strong family atmosphere where everyone is made to feel welcome. We are dedicated to displaying the love of Christ both to each other and equally importantly to all our neighbours in Thaxted. In addition to our Sunday service we also offer the following:
- A men’s breakfast on the first Saturday of every month. As well as enjoying good food and meeting new friends it is also an opportunity to hear speakers from a wide range of backgrounds and interests.
- “Coffee and Company” . We know that the aftermath of bereavement is a very painful time for people and so on the last Saturday of each month we invite those who are grieving for whatever reason for coffee and cake just to share friendship with people in a similar situation.
- A coffee morning is also held every Friday from 10am to 11:30am.
- Humfrey Lodge is a service is held at Humfrey Lodge old people’s home on the first Monday of each momth from 10:30 to 11am.
We would love to welcome you to our church or indeed to any of the events listed above. Any questions please call us on 07889 758285 or email Jim Ford on jford15@aol.com
Who’s Who
Our Church members have appointed the following people to act as our leaders:

I am the lay minister responsible for preaching, teaching and pastoral care. I have been in christian leadership for thirty years in various churches and have been serving in this church since 2017. My passion is for people to discover the transforming power of Jesus in their lives

I started coming to Thaxted Baptist Church in 2007 and have been a deacon since 2016. My other key role is Church Administrator which involves managing on- going business issues and ensuring the overall smooth running of the church.

Paul Tingey
I am a chiropodist and am responsible for the Men’s ministry in the church. I also lead services and preach from time to time.

I came to the church in 2003. I was baptised and became a member in 2005. I served as a deacon for 14 years and as the treasurer for 9 of those years. I stepped down in 2018. I feel I am now called once more to serve as a deacon in 2024.
I stand ready to serve God the Father, Jesus Christ his beloved son and the Holy Spirit. May the Trinity continue, to guide, teach and instruct me. For you are my Stronghold, my Sanctuary, my Rock on which I stand.
Worship Team

Helen Parkin
Coordinator - Worship Team
I am the music Co- Ordinator for our worship in our church and arrange a monthly music rota. I play the organ and piano and with two other pianists we make up the music team and we play both new and traditional hymns and songs. I feel God has led me to use what musical talents I have to bring glory to His Name and to enhance our worship.

Gail Ford
Pianist- Worship Team
I was born in Derby & have been married to Jim for almost 38 years. i am a professional pianist & accompanist, and a member of the church’s worship team. I also helps with various other ministries in the church – when I can be prised out of my garden.

Jill Jones
Pianist - Worship Team
What a wonderful way to praise the Lord through music & words.
I started my musical career in the armed forces serving in the Women’s Royal Army Corps Staff Band playing french horn and piano, at the time the only female military band in the world! I was very fortunate to study at Kneller Hall the Royal Military School of Music and Trinity College of Music London, gaining my LTCL and Masters Degree in Music. I sing in the London Symphony Chorus who perform with the London Symphony Orchestra. When not singing or performing I enjoy writing contemporary Christian songs.
Friday Coffee Morning

Anne Berresford
I have been a member of this church for more than 20 years and run the coffee morning every Friday from 10 to 11:30. The coffee morning provides a warm relaxing atmosphere and attracts a wide mix of people from both inside and outside the church. Everyone is very welcome.
Coffee and Company

I have been a member of TBC for about 18 years, and a Thaxted resident for 24 years.
Together with fellow member, Anne Colville, Coffee & Company was started 7 years ago to provide mutual support for local people who have been bereaved. Through our personal experiences, we recognised the value and positive impact that sharing.
What We Believe
We believe in living out our Christian faith as effectively as possible, sharing the good news that Jesus can transform your life.
At Thaxted Baptist Church we believe in…
- the one true God who is the creator, sustainer and ultimate judge of all people.
- God who loves all people and longs to have a personal relationship with each one.
- the Bible, which we regard as written by human beings but under the full inspiration of God and therefore a fully trustworthy source for all matters of faith and conduct.
- the creation of all people in God’s image. We acknowledge that this same image has become corrupted by sin which has separated us all from God so that we face his judgement.
- Jesus Christ who is both God and man, born of the Virgin Mary; truly divine and truly human, yet without sin.
- the death of Jesus Christ on the cross; he took the punishment for all our sins so that we can be forgiven and reconciled with God and no longer under condemnation for those sins.
- the bodily resurrection of Christ, his ascension to the Father, and his reign and role as the only Saviour of the world.
- God’s unconditional forgiveness extended to all those human beings who place their faith in Jesus Christ and in his death for them on the cross.
- the presence and power of God within each believer via the Holy Spirit who both transforms and empowers us to live the new moral and loving life which is required of those who follow Jesus Christ.
- the Church, which is the visible presence of Christ on earth both locally and universally, and which exists to worship God and to promote justice and love as well as proclaim Christ’s message of forgiveness and reconciliation to God.
- the personal and visible return of Jesus Christ to fulfil the purposes of God. He will raise all people to judgement, bring eternal life to those who follow him and eternal condemnation to the lost, and will establish a new heaven and a new earth.